Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Join me for an intensive 2.5-hour stop smoking session where we will explore your smoking habit, and break it with hypnosis! But what does this mean?

Stop Smoking on a Subconscious Level

Hypnosis is a peculiar state of consciousness that allows you to access your mind on a ‘subconscious’ level to make changes, break habits, and form healthier behaviours around your goals.

The subconscious could be described as the ‘deeper level’ of your mind in charge of your actions, behaviours, and identity that you do not intentionally or deliberately control. For example, for most of your life, you do not consciously need to remind yourself to take your next breath. Yet, your lungs continue to inhale and exhale without prompting. Likewise, your subconscious may take over common everyday tasks, such as tying your shoelaces or brushing your teeth, which you may complete while other thoughts consciously occupy your mind.

stop smoking hypnosis woman breaking cigarette

Experts refer to this differently, whether ‘subconscious,’ the ‘unconscious,’ or sometimes all grouped into ‘the mind.’ While different professionals have a variety of opinions on the correct term, many agree that there is a part of our mind that stores information and acts like an ‘inner code’ beyond the conscious level. 

Suppose you are looking to break a habit such as smoking. In that case, you may already know scenarios that trigger your cigarette desire. Maybe a coffee in the morning or a stressful day at work. Part of your subconscious programming has been encoded to believe that a cigarette is a solution, treatment, or positive routine for reaching specific goals – whether starting your day or relaxing after a difficult meeting.

Addiction to the Ritual of Smoking

Many people seek out stop smoking hypnosis once they have tried every nicotine replacement therapy they can. They find patches, gums, and lozenges do not work for them. Or, they go weeks or months without smoking (plenty of time for the nicotine to leave your system), only to have a stressful event that leads them back to reaching for the packet of cigarettes as their ‘emotional crutch.’

They slowly recognise that they are not addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes so much as they are addicted to what smoking means to them. On a subconscious level, you may have developed a relationship with cigarettes in which they are your therapist, meditation instructor, friend, and confidante.

Breaking a relationship sounds much more daunting than breaking a physical dependency, which is precisely why many struggle. However, this is also why many people have great success with stop smoking hypnosis and why they seek out programs that give them the right tools to deal with their habit on a subconscious level.

Want Different Results, Do Something Different?

Returning to patches, gums, and other techniques repeatedly can leave you in a cycle that feels demotivating and exhausting. Always wondering if this next lot will wean you off the nicotine and allow you to stop smoking for good.

For some people, this approach just isn’t enough, and they need to make consistent changes on a deeper level to remove the habit of smoking from their daily routine.

Stop smoking hypnosis allows you to make these changes by subconsciously programming new, healthier habits while removing unhealthy associations, beliefs, and patterns. This result is achieved through various techniques, including hypnotic suggestions and positive affirmative reprogramming. My approach allows you to become free of the triggers and associations that lead you back to the ritual of smoking, strengthening your willpower and resolve, and allowing you to emotionally ‘break up’ with cigarettes for good.

Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work?

For most of the several thousand clients I have performed sessions for, stop smoking hypnosis really does work.

Studies have also been conducted to examine the effectiveness of stop smoking hypnosis compared to other smoking cessation methods. In one of the most comprehensive studies, to identify the most effective stop smoking method, researchers from the University of Iowa conducted a meta-analysis study, compiling the results of over 600 studies totaling nearly 72,000 people from Europe and America. It included 48 individual studies of hypnosis covering 6,000 smokers, clearly showing that hypnosis was the most effective treatment and three times more effective than Nicotine Replacement (Journal of Applied Psychology).

Other studies show similar results. One showed that out of 71 test subjects, those who used guided imagery, such as that found in my hypnotic audios, were twice as likely to quit smoking long term (over two years) than those who did not. Another showed that out of 43 smokers, 39 were noted as remaining ex-smokers in their follow-ups (between 6 months and three years after their sessions).

However intriguing, clinical research does not speak to personal, individual experience. For me, the impact that stop smoking hypnotherapy can have is apparent every time I get a thank you or a personal recommendation from someone I have helped. From singers who have improved their voices and careers to athletes and other individuals transforming their lives and doing spectacular things they never previously thought possible once they conquered the smoking habit. I love receiving updates from previous clients as they are real, authentic proof being able to help people live healthier, happier, and more fulfilled lives.

    Booking Details

    The 2.5-hour session is conducted online via Zoom and costs £250.

    Once you have booked, you will be sent a detailed Client Questionnaire and Pre-Session Guidelines. The more you engage with these documents, the better your chance of success since they are a crucial part of the process when using my method.

    The primary considerations before booking should be whether you are truly ready to stop smoking NOW (i.e., timing) and ensuring that you have a stable enough internet connection for the Zoom session. If you are happy with both things, you can book with the following button or via the ‘Book Your Session’ link in the main menu above.

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      Please contact me with any questions or difficulty finding a suitable session slot using the booking system.